"The Boy"

By Tasha
2 min read

Table of Contents

I remember third grade only in bits and pieces. It was Richardson Elementary School in Oscoda, MI. I can still remember them having a lot of stairs, losing a tooth and telling a teacher about it. Another memory that stands out is not so pretty. I felt sick, and I went to go raise my hand and even get out of my seat, and before I knew it, I threw up everywhere. Another memory is of a boy who was rather quiet. He seemed like a good kid looking back, but not too much really stood out to me. After that grade, I never remember seeing him again. I guess he moved. 

After this thought, it brings me to when I was in high school. There was a shooting in Columbine, Colorado. I remember the high school I went to making us wear lanyards as a precaution.  And reading books about this. I always lived in small towns, so this just blew my mind. My biggest focus before this happened was getting a Mountain Dew out of the machine and not getting caught with it in my bookbag. 

person using laptop computer
Photo by Christin Hume / Unsplash

It was about ten years later that I was reading so much stuff online about this same shooting. It had been ten years. As I was reading it I got chills and I literally still do when I talk about it. Remember that quiet kid that I did not remember much about? That was the leader of this school shooting. I sat in the same classroom as this kid. So many things cross your mind when this type of thing happens. What if he never moved and stayed in Oscoda. Would he do the same thing? What about my friends? And so on. About a month ago, I told a co-worker this same story, and she felt the same way. She got chills just me talking about it.  

Last Update: July 31, 2024

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