By Tasha
1 min read

Table of Contents

Soon, it will happen. I will hit 2000 followers. It seems like just yesterday I hit 1000 followers. I know that when I first started writing here, I really enjoyed it. I have always been more of a behind-the-scenes type of person, and Medium lets you do just that.

Furthermore, I find it very fascinating that people from all around the globe are here to connect.

It is so nice to find a side income that requires what I call creative juices. Some other jobs I have had that are work-from-home are pretty humdrum. The income was nice, but the job was not something to be thrilled with.

When I think about it, I think back to when I got out of high school. I would have never dreamed I would be doing something like this. And if someone told me I would, I probably would have looked at them like whatever.

Technology has moved faster and faster with each passing year. One thing that I enjoy about Medium is the ability to create and make a name for yourself.

graphical user interface
Photo by Kevin Butz / Unsplash

A special thank you to everyone that has clapped, commented, and highlighted on my stories.

Last Update: August 07, 2024

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